eFile FAQ

Solutions to common problems with the BEA eFile System

  • My eFile ID and Password are not working.

    Make sure that you entered the ID and password exactly as it was created. The password is case sensitive and any extra spaces or characters will cause it not to work. If you can not remember your password. Go to the password reset page.

  • Can I make changes on a form after I've submitted my data to BEA?

    Yes, you can make changes to a form and submit the new data to BEA. Most of the time, your submission will be automatically updated with the new data. Under certain circumstances, you may be contacted for verification.

  • I created a new affiliate in the eFile system and I want to create another another new affiliate which will use the same form. Can I just change the name on the form?

    No, the forms all have a hidden field with an ID number on it. This ID number uniquely identifies the affiliate being reported. You must download a new form for each affiliate, including new ones which have just been added to the system.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader won't let me enter data in some of the form fields.

    When using Acrobat Reader, sometimes you can't enter data into certain fields of the form. To correct this, turn on the form field highlighting feature. Near the top of the Acrobat Reader window, you should see a yellow box which has messages in it such as "You can attach files to this document" and "You can save data typed into this form." If you do not see the yellow box, click on the "View" menu and select "Toolbars". Make sure that the "Tasks" toolbar is checked. Then look for a button labeled "Forms" at the top of the window. Click it and make sure that the item labeled "Always Hide Document Message Bar" is NOT checked. You should then see the yellow message box. In the message box, check the "Highlight Fields" box. All of the editable form fields should now be highlighted. This should allow you to type into all of the fields.

  • I clicked the "Submit" at the top of the page, but it doesn't seem like anything happened.

    If you click the "Submit" button and you don't see the BEA confirmation page or an error message saying "Cannot handle content type...", then most likely your submission did not go through. To check your submission, leave the form window open and go back to the main eFile page. Click the "Update Submission Status" button located just above the list of forms. Then check the status of the form you are working on. You can also download a new copy of the form and make sure that all of your data is present.

  • What happens if I do a final submission more than once?
    You can submit documents more than once. If you accidently submit a document more than once or you make a change and want to submit the edited version, we will only process the most recent version of the document. There are certain circumstances where we may contact you to verify an updated submission.

  • None of the buttons on the form seem to work.
    You must have Javascript enabled in your Adobe Acrobat software. To check that Javascript is enabled, open your Adobe software and click on "Edit" then "Preferences". Choose "Javascript" from the list on the left hand side. Make sure that the "Enable Acrobat Javascript" box is checked.