Discontinued Data Tables

The national and industry tables listed below were discontinued on July 25, 2024, due to budget constraints. Discontinued tables have been archived.

From National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) SECTION 6 - INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY:

  • Table 6.7A. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A), 1929 to 1948
  • Table 6.7B. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A), 1948 to 1987
  • Table 6.7C. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A), 1987 to 2000
  • Table 6.7D. Self-Employed Persons by Industry (A), 1998–Present
  • Table 6.8A. Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.8B Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.8C Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.8D Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.9B. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.9C. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)
  • Table 6.9D. Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A)


  • Table 7.12. Imputations in the National Income and Product Accounts (A).

From Industry Economic Accounts, KLEMS (capital, labor, energy, materials, and services):

  • Cost per Unit of Real Gross Output by Industry Group (A)


  • Table 4AU1. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Materials and supplies), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1967–97 forward, SIC] (Q) (M)
  • Table 4AU2. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Works-in-process), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1967–97 forward, SIC] (Q) (M)
  • Table 4AU3. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Finished goods), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1967–97 forward, SIC] (Q) (M)
  • Table 4BU1. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Materials and supplies), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)
  • Table 4BU2. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Work-in-process), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)
  • Table 4BU3. Real Manufacturing Inventories, by Stage of Fabrication (Finished goods), Seasonally Adjusted, End of Period [Chained 2017 dollars, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M)
  • Table 5U. BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)
  • Table 6U. Real BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)
  • Table 7U. Chain-Type Price Indexes for BEA Retail and Food Service Sales (A) (Q) (M)

From NIPA underlying detail, SECTION 9 - OTHER TABLES:

  • Table 9.3U. Gross Domestic Product and Final Sales of Software
  • Table 9.4U. Software investment and prices