The Survey of Current Business is 100! We are pleased to present a look back at a century of achievements and innovation highlighting each decade of its history with original articles, reprints from the BEA archives, profiles of top influencers, downloadable posters, and other historical content.
Original article
BEA's Regional Program: Challenges and Milestones
BEA Economist Paul K. Medzerian of the Regional Income Division discusses some of the history of BEA's Regional Economic Accounts, as well as some of the challenges unique to the development of regional statistics.
December 2020
The Evolution of BEA's Regional Statistics: Expanding State Personal Income Measurements
BEA staff introduce a 1966 reprint on a new set of regional statistics—quarterly state personal income.
December 2020
The Development of BEA's Input-Output Framework
A November 1964 reprint on the first input-output tables, including an introduction describing some of the history behind BEA’s input-output framework.
December 2020
Economic influencer
Wassily Leontief: Nobel Award-Winning Input-Output Economist
This top influencer profile chronicles the economist’s contributions to the development of BEA’s Input-Output Accounts.
December 2020
Stay tuned in 2022 as we continue to highlight historical Survey content from the BEA archives.